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Network wiring plan


Short Floor Place Description
nc24 basement network cabinet server room 24 ports
nsg ground network socket ground floor connection sockets
opp12 ground office patch panel 12 ports
plc_g ground plc box ground floor 2 ports
nsu upper network socket upper floor connection sockets
plc_u upper plc box upper floor 2 ports
upp? upper upper floor patch panel not yet installed
plc_car outside plc box carport 2 ports
nsb basement network socket basement connection sockets

Network cabinet 24 port (nc24)

The main patch-panel located in the basement network cabinet

nc24 remote ground floor

Port Place ground floor Remote station comment
1 office 1 TODO: ???? TODO: ????
2 plc_g PLC ground floor used port
n/a reserved -
4 nsg living/dining south right
5 opp12 office patch panel/Port 11
6 nsg living east left
7 kitchen north no can yet not checked
8 office 2 TODO: ???? TODO: ????
9 nsg kitchen west right error pin 3/6
10 opp12 office patch panel/Port 12 bridge router DSL
n/a reserved -
n/a reserved -
?? plc_g PLC ground floor reserve/unhooked not checked

nc24 remote upper floor

Port Place upper floor Remote station comment
13 plc_u PLC upper floor
n/a reserved -
n/a reserved -
16 nsu child-east wall IP-cam
17 nsu parents east right
18 upp? TODO: ????
19 nsu child-west east right
n/a reserved -
21 nsu child-east west right
22 plc_car PLC carport
23 nsb basement hobby-west 1Port wall
n/a reserved -

Office patch panel (opp12)

Office ground floor 12 port patch panel with switch

bridge router DSL port 6 <-> 12

Port Remote station Place Port
1 nsg office east-south left
2 nsg office east-south right
3 nsg office east-north right
4 nsg office west right
5 nsg office south right
6 nsg living east right
7 nsg living south-east right
8 nsg living south-east left
9 nsg office south left
10 nsg living south-middle left
11 nc24 Network cabinet 24 port Port 5
12 nc24 Network cabinet 24 port Port 10

not applicable / unhooked

  • kitchen west left
  • kitchen north
  • office west left
  • office east-north left

Upper floor patch panel (upp?)

not yet installed

Network socket

Ground floor (nsg)

Room Place Port Remote/Port
office east-north left unhooked
office east-north right opp12/3
office east-south left opp12/1
office east-south right opp12/2
office south left opp12/9
office south right opp12/5
office west left unhooked
office west right opp12/4
living east left nc24/6
living east right opp12/6
living south-east left opp12/8
living south-east right opp12/7
living/dining south left opp12/10
living/dining south right nc24/4
kitchen west left opp12 unhooked
kitchen west right nc24/9
kitchen north left unhooked
kitchen north right unhooked
pantry plc-box 1 nc24/2
pantry plc-box reserve nc24/10

Upper floor (nsu)

Room Place Port Remote
bath south left -
bath south right -
child-east west left -
child-east west right nc24/21
child-east north left -
child-east north right -
child-east wall IP-cam nc24/16
child-west east left -
child-west east right nc24/19
child-west north left -
child-west north right -
parents east left -
parents east right nc24/17
parents west left -
parents west right -
child-east plc-box 1 nc24/13
child-east plc-box reserve ??

current DSL connection

To avoid an additional wlan repeater, the DSL router is located on the ground floor.

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