plantuml code for readme¶
until I get the plant-uml plugin working here is the code to the pictures
Components of the auto home stack¶
skinparam component {
FontColor black
AttributeFontColor black
FontSize 17
AttributeFontSize 15
AttributeFontname Droid Sans Mono
BackgroundColor #6A9EFF
BorderColor black
ArrowColor #222266
title auto home stack
skinparam componentStyle uml2
node "user interface"{
frame "deprecated"{
[dotnet pc tool] #Gray
[dotnet pc tool] <--> udp_plc
[web client] <..> http
cloud {
interface www
[AWS] --> www
[netatmo] -> www
node "ahs" {
interface data_logger as data_logger
interface mqtt
[data logger server] as dls
[rpi_nodered] as nr
dls -up-> [dashboard]
[dashboard] -> http
dls <-- data_logger
www -> nr
http <--> nr
nr -right-> [plc_xx]
nr <-> dls
nr <-down-> mqtt
udp_plc <-> [plc_xx]
data_logger <- [plc_xx]
[plc_xy] -up-> [plc_xx]
[esp] <.up.> mqtt
[sensor] -up-> [plc_xx]
[aktor] <-up- [plc_xx]
node "Legend"{
package "device"{
[item 1] as TMS #Tomato
folder "tst"{
[item 2] as CM #Lime
node red¶
[*] --> NodeRed
udp -> NodeRed
NodeRed -> udp
udp : plc interface
mqtt --> NodeRed
NodeRed --> mqtt
mqtt : field level devices\nesp 8266,\nwatchdog services, ...
iot --> NodeRed
NodeRed --> iot
iot : other interfaces \nlike rest apis, AWS S3,\nssh to linux devices,\n...
NodeRed --> db
db : MySQL and \nInfluxDB
NodeRed : store all prozess \nand event data\nprozess data with rule engine\n
node_red rule engine¶
(*) --> new event
If "compare topic" then
--> [matches] "create alarm"
--> send to receiver
--> (*)
--> [no match] continue
--> (*)