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Requirements to the system

Most important


In order to gain acceptance among stakeholders, it is absolutely necessary to guarantee the basic functions that are also available with a conventional installation.

This means that if the control level or process level devices fail, the following basic functions are retained:

  • Switching the light on / off with conventional switches

  • It must be possible to raise and lower the blinds by pressing buttons

  • Sockets must be switched on moderately by default

  • The heater must maintain the last specified temperature.

Some more

type description
robustnes When the system is switched on (e.g. after a power failure) the system itself should start up and be active
robustnes Services / applications on servers should be monitored automatically and restarted if necessary
robustnes Backups of databases and other artifacts should be created automatically
robustnes Basic functions like switching light on/off must work even if the control level or parts of the process level fail
interoperability The different components of the system shall provide apis to exchange information and communicate with internal and external applications and systems.
interoperability The system shall be open to different transport protocols and publishing / describing interfaces.
interoperability For integrating iot devices the system shall provide a MQTT broker. That allows easy w-lan connecting of esp based devices
interoperability The PLC shall communicate to sensors / actors hardwired, via modbus, analog voltage signals, ...
interoperability The data formats, transport protocols and interfaces shall be derived from central managed masterdata